How to Identify Your Hair Porosity

grayscale photo of man
grayscale photo of man

Understanding Hair Porosity

Knowing your hair porosity is essential for developing an effective hair care routine. Hair porosity refers to your hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture, which can significantly impact the types of products and treatments that will work best for you. There are generally three levels of hair porosity: low, medium, and high.

Types of Hair Porosity

Low Porosity: Hair with low porosity has a tightly bound cuticle layer, which makes it difficult for moisture to penetrate. Products often sit on the surface of the hair rather than being absorbed.

Medium Porosity: Medium or normal porosity hair typically requires the least amount of maintenance. The cuticle layer is looser, allowing moisture to penetrate but also retaining it well.

High Porosity: High porosity hair has gaps and holes in the cuticle, which can be due to damage or genetics. This type of hair tends to absorb moisture easily but also loses it quickly.

Methods to Determine Your Hair Porosity

The Float Test: Take a few strands of clean, product-free hair and drop them into a glass of water. Let them sit for 2-4 minutes. If your hair floats, you have low porosity. If it sinks slowly, you have medium porosity. If it sinks quickly, you have high porosity.

The Slip 'n' Slide Test: Take a strand of your hair and slide your fingers up from the tip to the root. If it feels smooth, you likely have low porosity hair. If it feels slightly rough, you have medium porosity. If it feels very bumpy, you likely have high porosity hair.

The Spray Bottle Test: Spray a small section of your hair with water. Observe how quickly the water is absorbed. If it beads up on the surface, you have low porosity. If it absorbs quickly, you have high porosity. Medium porosity will fall somewhere in between.

Next Steps After Identifying Your Hair Porosity

Once you know your hair porosity, you can tailor your hair care routine accordingly. Low porosity hair benefits from lightweight, water-based products and occasional deep conditioning with heat. Medium porosity hair can generally tolerate a wide range of products but still benefits from regular conditioning and protein treatments. High porosity hair often needs heavier, moisturizing products and regular protein treatments to help fill in the gaps in the cuticle.

Understanding and identifying your hair porosity can be a game-changer in achieving healthier, more manageable hair. Customize your routine based on your porosity level and enjoy the benefits of a more targeted hair care approach.